Practical Info
Date:  25 – 28 August 2016
Venue: Kisakallio Sports Institute
Host City: Lohja (FIN)
Airport: Helsinki (Vantaa)
Distance from airport to venue: 64 km
Prize Money: 7.500 EUR
Stadium Capacity: 500 seats
Participating Teams: Main Draw of 16 women's teams plus Qualification Tournament (max. 16 teams)

Competition Schedule:
Thursday, 25 August 2016 - Qualification Tournament
Friday, 26 August 2016 - Main Draw
Saturday, 27 August 2016 - Main Draw
Sunday, 28 August 2016 - Main Draw, Semi-Finals and Finals

Kisakallio Sports Institute is a non-profit foundation which offers a wide variety of sports, activities, educational possibilities and excellent facilities for professional and amateur sports enthusiasts.
Today Kisakallio Sports Institute is one of the biggest training and education centres in Finland and Europe with 700 beds and almost 15,000 square meters of sport facilities.
In peaceful surroundings, close to the nature Kisakallio Sports Institute is located only 45 minutes from both Helsinki-Vantaa Airport and Helsinki Harbour.
Kisakallio has a strategic partnership with the Finnish Volleyball Association for Beach Volleyball. Finland’s national teams train there for the summer time before they move to a state-of-the-art indoor facility in Helsinki for the winter season. The agreement aims at making sure Finland qualify at least one team to the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.
Kisakallio presentation video:

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2016 CEV Beach Volleyball Satellite Kisakallio Day 4

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