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Ranking Calculation Best Scorer:
This ranking is based on the number of Points scored by each player, no restriction are applied to the number of skills or number of sets played by each player
Best Scorer per Team:
This ranking is based on the number of Points scored by each player, no restriction are applied to the number of skills or number of sets played by each player
  • Match Stats Details per Player
  • Player comparative by Role
Legenda This stats is based on Match stats data for each player, no restriction are applied

Tot Total Points Won Total Points on Reception BP Break Point
Err Error Effic. Efficiency Neg. Negative
Exc. Excellent Exc.% Excellent % Effic. Efficiency
Blk Blocked Net Net contact Pts Points
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  • Match Stats Details per Team
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Legenda This stats is based on Recap data for each team, no restriction are applied

Tot Total Points Won Total Points on Reception BP Break Point
Err Error Effic. Efficiency Neg. Negative
Exc. Excellent Exc.% Excellent % Effic. Efficiency
Blk Blocked Net Net contact Pts Points

Phase Selection
 PlayerTeamPlayed Match (Set)PointsSet Average
1SANDOR RenátaHUNGARY 13 (46) 2134,63
2ZUR MoranISRAEL 12 (46) 2054,46
3YILDIRIM FatmaTURKEY 14 (47) 1733,68
4VASILANTONAKI AnthiGREECE 11 (42) 1473,5
5BOZ MeryemTURKEY 10 (32) 1434,47
6HORVATH DoraHUNGARY 12 (40) 1413,52
7DEVASH GalyaISRAEL 12 (46) 1393,02
8GÜRKAYNAK Ayse MelisTURKEY 14 (47) 1132,4
9KAPUCU CerenTURKEY 14 (41) 1122,73
10BOKORNÉ LILIOM RitaHUNGARY 13 (38) 1082,84
11GIOTA AikaterinaGREECE 12 (43) 1042,42
12MERTEKI EvangeliaGREECE 12 (37) 1032,78
13CHANTAVA EvangeliaGREECE 11 (35) 1012,89
14Starikov SofiaISRAEL 12 (46) 1002,17
15WAWRZYNIAK MagdalenaPOLAND 10 (34) 992,91
16WITKOWSKA KamilaPOLAND 10 (38) 962,53
17LAMPROUSI GeorgiaGREECE 12 (45) 922,04
18KALANDADZE AnnGEORGIA 8 (27) 913,37
19YILMAZ MelikeTURKEY 14 (44) 882
20PALLAG AgnesHUNGARY 14 (48) 881,83
21KAKOL JuliaPOLAND 10 (32) 862,69
22Galkowska MonikaPOLAND 10 (36) 792,19
23DOBI EdinaHUNGARY 10 (37) 792,14
24NOMIKOU Maria jr.GREECE 9 (31) 732,35
25KOLNOGOROV ElviraISRAEL 12 (40) 731,82
26KIOSI EleniGREECE 8 (21) 693,29
27DAGDELENLER EzgiTURKEY 6 (19) 623,26
28SZELES PetraHUNGARY 12 (33) 611,85
29GRAJBER-NOWAKOWSKA MartynaPOLAND 8 (31) 571,84
30VACSI Evelin HUNGARY 12 (42) 561,33
31TCHAUTCHIDZE TinatinGEORGIA 7 (23) 552,39
32SZAKMÁRY GrétaHUNGARY 11 (32) 551,72
33PACAK JoannaPOLAND 10 (32) 511,59
34KIRÁLY-TÁLAS ZsuzsannaHUNGARY 13 (46) 511,11
35GLUCK AnitaISRAEL 12 (41) 501,22
36GÜLER BirgülTURKEY 11 (33) 461,39
37GAPRINDASHVILI MariamGEORGIA 8 (26) 431,65
39STURUA NinoGEORGIA 9 (29) 361,24
40CHRISTODOULOU StylianiGREECE 11 (41) 340,83
41SOKOLOV PEHAM ShanyISRAEL 12 (46) 330,72
42TCHELIDZE IrinaGEORGIA 8 (20) 291,45
43BIMKIEWICZ EwaPOLAND 8 (17) 281,65
44CAKIROGLU DamlaTURKEY 9 (17) 281,65
45TVAURI AnaGEORGIA 9 (22) 271,23
46SOSNOVSKAYA SvetlanaGEORGIA 7 (13) 231,77
47SAADA Ella CarolinaISRAEL 10 (20) 201
48PEHAM Darya NoyISRAEL 11 (25) 180,72
49BALDYGA PaulinaPOLAND 10 (34) 180,53
50KIPSHIDZE Ana MariamGEORGIA 10 (31) 170,55
51STRANTZALI OlgaGREECE 4 (8) 151,87
52MOSKWA KorneliaPOLAND 6 (19) 150,79
53BODNÁR DorottyaHUNGARY 6 (14) 130,93
54KARASOY ArelyaTURKEY 10 (23) 110,48
55KAVVADIA AngelikiGREECE 3 (6) 91,5
56KAKHADZE IrinaGEORGIA 8 (20) 90,45
57VERGIDOU OlgaGREECE 9 (22) 90,41
58SANADZE JulietaGEORGIA 4 (6) 81,33
59TOBIASZ EwelinaPOLAND 5 (15) 80,53
60SHEBOTAROV AnastasiyaISRAEL 11 (26) 80,31
61LAMPRINIDOU MariaGREECE 1 (2) 73,5
62SZOMBATHELYI SzandraHUNGARY 9 (18) 60,33
64ZENT SuTURKEY 4 (7) 50,71
65DILIK EzgiTURKEY 4 (8) 50,62
66PAPAFOTIOU AthinaGREECE 2 (4) 30,75
67ARISAN CeylanTURKEY 2 (5) 30,6
68MICHALEWICZ AgataPOLAND 4 (11) 30,27
69STEIN TamarISRAEL 12 (25) 30,12
70KÖTÉL ZsanettHUNGARY 12 (26) 30,12
71LISIAK MalgorzataPOLAND 2 (4) 20,5
72ROZANSKI OliviaPOLAND 5 (5) 20,4
73MARKARASHVILI GvantsaGEORGIA 6 (9) 20,22
74KÖTEL DoraHUNGARY 12 (40) 20,05
75ZINOBER AdvaISRAEL 12 (46) 20,04
76TOPALOGLU HümayTURKEY 1 (1) 11
77MARMEN VitaliaISRAEL 3 (3) 10,33
78GROMADOWSKA AleksandraPOLAND 2 (5) 10,2
79SZABÓ AdriennHUNGARY 3 (9) 10,11
 PlayerTeamPlayed Match (Set)Killing BloksSet Average
1SANDOR RenátaHUNGARY 13 (46) 2134,63
2ZUR MoranISRAEL 12 (46) 2054,46
3YILDIRIM FatmaTURKEY 14 (47) 1733,68
4VASILANTONAKI AnthiGREECE 11 (42) 1473,5
5WAWRZYNIAK MagdalenaPOLAND 10 (34) 992,91
6KALANDADZE AnnGEORGIA 8 (27) 913,37