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Ranking Selection
Ranking Calculation Best Scorer:
This ranking is based on the number of Points scored by each player, no restriction are applied to the number of skills or number of sets played by each player
Best Scorer per Team:
This ranking is based on the number of Points scored by each player, no restriction are applied to the number of skills or number of sets played by each player
  • Match Stats Details per Player
  • Player comparative by Role
Legenda This stats is based on Match stats data for each player, no restriction are applied

Tot Total Points Won Total Points on Reception BP Break Point
Err Error Effic. Efficiency Neg. Negative
Exc. Excellent Exc.% Excellent % Effic. Efficiency
Blk Blocked Net Net contact Pts Points
More Selection:

  • Team Stats Recap
  • Match Stats Details per Team
  • Team Players stats
Legenda This stats is based on Recap data for each team, no restriction are applied

Tot Total Points Won Total Points on Reception BP Break Point
Err Error Effic. Efficiency Neg. Negative
Exc. Excellent Exc.% Excellent % Effic. Efficiency
Blk Blocked Net Net contact Pts Points

Phase Selection
 PlayerTeamPlayed Match (Set)PointsSet Average
1HIDALGO OLIVA SalvadorSCC BERLIN 2 (7) 415,86
2STOKR PERUGIA 2 (6) 305
3SAVANI PERUGIA 2 (6) 264,33
4NESVACIL FilipDukla LIBEREC 2 (6) 254,17
5PESL PetrDukla LIBEREC 2 (7) 223,14
6SPIROVSKI AleksandarSCC BERLIN 2 (6) 203,33
7CERNIC PERUGIA 2 (6) 193,17
8GALIC DanijelMladost ZAGREB 2 (6) 193,17
9RAIC IvanMladost ZAGREB 2 (6) 193,17
10HÜBNER PERUGIA 2 (6) 183
11VENCOVSKY JakubDukla LIBEREC 2 (7) 172,43
12CERMAK JakubDukla LIBEREC 2 (7) 162,29
14MIHALJ IvanMladost ZAGREB 2 (6) 142,33
15KOTRCH TomasDukla LIBEREC 2 (7) 142
16FUCHS SebastianSCC BERLIN 2 (5) 132,6
17HOLSCHEN MalteSCC BERLIN 2 (7) 131,86
18GALANDI RicardoSCC BERLIN 2 (6) 122
19COLIC AnteMladost ZAGREB 2 (6) 122
20JESLINEK JanDukla LIBEREC 2 (6) 91,5
21ŽANIC FraneMladost ZAGREB 2 (5) 61,2
22ZHUKOUSKI TsimafeiMladost ZAGREB 2 (6) 61
23SMEDINS JanisSCC BERLIN 2 (6) 61
24SINTINI PERUGIA 2 (6) 40,67
25NOVAK LubosDukla LIBEREC 2 (7) 40,57
26ZACHRICH JaromirSCC BERLIN 1 (2) 31,5
27VAN DE LOO AllanSCC BERLIN 1 (3) 31
28SKACH JaroslavSCC BERLIN 2 (7) 30,43
29KNEZEVIC DjordjeMladost ZAGREB 1 (2) 21
30VODVÁRKA MartinDukla LIBEREC 2 (4) 20,5
31BOTTI PERUGIA 1 (1) 11
32SABLJAK MatijaMladost ZAGREB 1 (2) 10,5
33NEMEC PERUGIA 2 (4) 10,25
 PlayerTeamPlayed Match (Set)Killing BloksSet Average
1HIDALGO OLIVA SalvadorSCC BERLIN 2 (7) 415,86
2STOKR PERUGIA 2 (6) 305
3NESVACIL FilipDukla LIBEREC 2 (6) 254,17
4GALIC DanijelMladost ZAGREB 2 (6) 193,17