
31/03/2017 16:07
Snow Volleyball fever spreads to Liechtenstein as well
2017 CEV Snow Volleyball European Tour

Malbun, Liechtenstein, March 31, 2017. Another Snow Volleyball Kids Day took place at a 2017 CEV Snow Volleyball European Tour stop and made tens of local children smile.  This time in Malbun, Liechtenstein, where the penultimate event on the Tour will be held over the weekend, 33 kids could meet the new sport for a memorable day on the sunny Alpine slopes.

On the two courts where the professional competition will take place on Saturday and Sunday, competent instructors introduced the children to some ball-handling skills, played games with them and made sure the young hopefuls have a lot of fun out on the snow.

For one of the instructors, this was also the first chance to try Snow Volleyball. Lydie van Deursen, the Dutch setter of the Liechtenstein team of VBC Galina SCHAAN, which just got promoted to Switzerland’s first league, was happy to volunteer at the Kids Day in Malbun and was quite impressed herself. “What can I say – it is a beautiful event - beautiful environment, awesome kids! They love it; they love to play in the snow,” she said. “This is my first time to play Volleyball on the snow as well and my feet are super cold, because I did not bring the right shoes, but it is awesome!”

No doubt, the children, aged between 8 and 11, who came from two different schools in Liechtenstein, also enjoyed the day and fell in love with Snow Volleyball.

8-year-old Emilia and 9-year-old Theresa, both from Mauren, are among the youngest participants and this is their first encounter with Volleyball of any kind. “Snow Volleyball is perfect and very cool,” they said. “The weather is great, the snow is a lot of fun and it is even more fun to play with a ball and with friends. It is also great to be outside and not to be in school today.” While Emilia already has her heart set on Cross-Country Skiing, Theresa is now considering playing Snow Volleyball as a possible career option. One way or another, they both want to play this sport again.

9-year-old Sophia and 10-year-old Noemi from Ruggell have already played some Volleyball at school, but they also did it on the snow for the first time. “Snow Volleyball is cool, because it is fun,” is how they put it. “We like the snow and we enjoyed today very much.”

The Snow Volleyball Kids Day was jointly organised by Chaka2, the Austrian company that has been promoting Snow Volleyball for several years now, and the Liechtenstein Volleyball Federation (LVBV).
“I see many happy kids. I like it when kids are playing Volleyball, no matter if it is on snow, on sand or indoors,” said Philippe Schürmann, LVBV President. “Our sport does not require contact and boys and girls can play together and it is fun, so it is perfect for the kids. I hope that we have many more children joining the Kids Day next year.”

To go with all the wonderful memories, all participating kids proudly received the traditional Snow Volleyball certificates.

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