16/06/2020 12:00
Beach Volleyball returns in record-breaking fashion in Estonia
News from the National Federations
Tallinn, Estonia, June 16, 2020. After the local Volleyball family had to weather difficult times in the spring following the coronavirus outbreak, the summer and more specifically Beach Volleyball competitions have started with a bang in Estonia, breaking participation records in both the youth Cup tournaments and Estonian Grand Prix.
Last week, there were as many as 230 pairs competing in different youth Estonian Cup tournaments. The U16 competition recorded the most impressive numbers, with 50 and 33 teams featuring in the events designed for girls and boys, respectively. The U14 event featured 61 pairs fighting for the medals (40 girls’ teams, plus 21 in the boys’ tournament); 56 pairs signed up for the U18 competition (29 pairs of girls and 27 of boys), and another 30 competed in the U20 event (18 and 12 for girls and boys, respectively).
All competitions had a limit of 100 attendees due to the safety measures adopted to curb the spread of the novel virus, so they took place in different courts and at different times.

Last weekend, the Estonian Beach Volleyball Grand Prix got underway as well and there was a truly remarkable number of players participating – 34 and 21 pairs in the men’s and women’s competition, which accounts for a record for the last decade. Many national team players put their toes in the sand as well, among others Beach Volleyball junior world champions (in 2008) Oliver Venno and Kristo Kollo - who did not play together though. Estonia’s top duo Kusti Nõlvak/Mart Tiisaar were the eventual winners of the men’s tournament, while Heleene Hollas/Liisa Soomets emerged victorious on the women’s side.
Moreover, free trainings were available for kids and youngsters aged 9-19 every day in four different courts in Tallinn and nearby Viimsi in an action delivered together with the city in order to promote Beach Volleyball among the youth and give them a chance to learn basic Volleyball skills, while spending quality time during their summer vacation.