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Competition Standings

TeamMatchesResults BreakdownMatch SetsMatch PointsPenalty
PlayedWonLost3-03-13-22-31-30-3Ranking Points*WonLostQuotient/RatioWonLostQuotient/Ratio
Fenerbahçe Opet ISTANBUL
2 1 1 1000103 4 3 1,3333 162 157 1,0318
2 1 1 0100013 3 4 0,7500 157 162 0,9691
A. Carraro Imoco CONEGLIANO
0 0 0 0000000 0 0 - 0 0 0,0000

Criteria used to determine positions
1st Criteria: Matches Won
2nd Criteria: Ranking Points (*Ranking points are awarded for the following results: 3-0 or 3-1: 3 points, 3-2: 2 points, 2-3: 1 point, 1-3 or 0-3: 0 points)
3rd Criteria: Match Sets Quotient/Ratio
4th Criteria: Match Points Quotient/Ratio
5th Criteria: ‘Head to Head’ Results