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03/12/2013 07:24
Romanian rookie BACAU hosts Russian giant Dinamo KAZAN in round four
2014 CEV DenizBank Volleyball Champions League - Women

Bacau, Romania, December 3, 2013. Romania’s rookie Stiinta BACAU will be playing this Thursday their second home game in the prelims of the 2014 CEV DenizBank Volleyball Champions League – Women as they host Russia’s giant Dinamo KAZAN. The players from Tatarstan are the undisputed leaders in Pool F with nine points after three rounds following last week’s home victory over Stiinta in three sets.
Stiinta nevertheless hopes to repeat the performance they delivered some weeks ago as they claimed their first home match by edging Switzerland’s Volero ZÜRICH 3:2 for what would be a major sensation. In order to accomplish this mission, Romania’s champions count on the support of their fans who played a very important role along the way to their victory over Volero.

“We feel honoured that a great team like Dinamo KAZAN is visiting our city” says Stiinta head coach Florin Grapa. “The difference separating these teams is evident and it was very clear already last week as we played Dinamo in Russia. That said, I hope that my players will show a different attitude as they play before their fans. We will have to fight for every single ball if we want to play a close game. If we can keep the score close up to 20 all, you never know what may happen in the final section of each set” he stresses.  

“We are going to play a star-studded opponent whose main strength is their formidable block” adds middle blocker Mihaela Herlea. “In Russia we had problems to finalize our attacks and we could not find any solutions to stand their block. I hope that for this home match we will be more inspired and achieve more than we did in Kazan.”

Dutch-born setter Kim Staelens concludes: “Every game is difficult in the Champions League but after we were so clearly downed by Dinamo last week, we want to show that our team has got a different value. We will have to play fighting for every point in order to stand a chance.”

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