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02/03/2014 17:54
Hoho and Maan back in action for start of Belgian Playoffs
News from the clubs

Maaseik, Belgium, March 2, 2014. Noliko MAASEIK recently welcomed back Kristof Hoho and Jelte Maan who – for different reasons – had been out for several weeks. Hoho had scared Belgium’s volleyball community as he suffered a heart stroke last December during a match of the national league versus archrivals Knack ROESELARE. However, he quickly recovered thanks to a special defibrillator and after a series of checks the doctors gave him the green light to resume playing.
“I am very happy that I can play again” Hoho says. “The team has been going through a difficult season and it is very hard to follow all this from aside not being able to help and contribute to the team’s efforts. I am grateful for the support I have received and also for the attitude showed by the club”.

Jelte Maan is also back after undergoing surgery and a rehab process that lasted for three months. “We now have a complete roster of 12 players and this comes right in time for the start of the Playoffs” Hoho stresses. “So everything is still possible. In the four last matches we scored three clear wins and lost only at the tie-break to Knack ROESELARE, so this shows that we are back on track. We have a good position to start from for the Playoffs that will feature six teams. At the end of the Playoffs the first and second placed teams will battle it out for the title. I am convinced that we are ready to take on all other teams and we can stand this challenge” Hoho concludes.  

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